Dec 23, 2009

Breaking the Boundaries

For a final project, Regan Beauchamp and I profiled one of the most successful students at UNH Manchester.  Meghan Marcus, '10, is a communication arts major, with a history minor.  She's currently internng at NHPR, has won several awards and scholarships, and will graduate with honors.  At home, however, she is a mother to three growing boys, a girlfriend, and the official trainer for the puppy.  Marcus sat down with us to talk about the ups and downs of such a full life and how her boys have handled it.  

We called it Breaking the Boundaries because we feel Marcus has broken stereotypes as a non-traditional student and a student-mother.  


Regan said...

Nice work, partner!

Cam said...

Really well done, Meg. You can see lots of hours of work and how tightly edited the project is. Glad to see you came out with something great in your last semester! Talk to you soon,
